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The Journey of Self Realization

This is about the journey I experienced/am experiencing.

It all started on June 29 1999, when I came into this world in the form of a human being. From there I grew up as the youngest in a family of five with a brother, sister, mother, and a father. I am quite privileged to live with such a loving family, and they are foundational in opening the space for my more recent inner developments. Life is pleasant as I grow up. Not really struggling with school, and being able to play lots of sports allowed me to develop into the being I am becoming. Only attending church a few times in my younger years, spirituality didn't come into my life until I turned 18 years young.

Coming to Be

It was July of 2017 when I first experienced anything I would consider out of the ordinary. After smoking a bit of cannabis I experienced things that put my whole belief system and past perspective, into perspective. I continued to smoke often and I continually had to question my reality as I was put into situations and experiences that tested my ability to comprehend and to understand. At the beginning of it it was quite hard, but as I continued to meditate in/on, and contemplate the experiences, I came to realizations. These realizations where not just limited to realizations about the human experience and collective psychological state, but they embodied a much more expansive version of reality that I was previously unaware of. It was as if i pushed through delusion, illusion, paranoia, psychosis, and the infinite potential projections of the mind that limit perception or force awareness into fear. And I found the light, the ability to immerse awareness in complete bliss, and unity of being.


Utilizing Plant Medicine

As I mentioned earlier, I smoke cannabis. This plant, along with other naturally occurring plants / mushrooms were an integral part of my awakening process. In may of 2017, on the long weekend my family and I along with lots of friends go camping. Every year we do this same camping trip and every year it is so magical. This year, especially, because this was the year and time when I first did magic mushrooms or psilocybin. After ingesting some of it I can't say that I experienced much 'Hallucinating' as most people would think of the word. As I looked out over the valley from a sunlit hill on the far side of the camp site, I was deep in admiring nature, my body, and observing the thought patterns that were flowing through my mind. It felt familiar, being in this heightened state of awareness, while most others where speaking like this state they were in was extraordinary I felt as if I have always been in a state like this to some extent. Thinking deeply and perceiving the beauty. But I feel that this experience is what seeded the awakening that happened in July of that same year. I am so grateful.


Being Here, Now.

It was this 'awakening' sparked and facilitated with the help of plant medicines, that led me to here. I am now at a state of being that is evolving and changing every day. Everyday is a completely different experience, however some habits may repeat, each day reflects new aspects of reality into my experience. As in I see every day through a new set of eyes, thinking differently, changing the way I see things, opening up the heart, and finding the motivation and persistence to keep on going. It is much like a migration of birds, many birds have already migrated to the heart land, but until all arrive the being seeks further unity. 

The Process of Discovery

The process of this awakening was not purely because of my experiences with Cannabis and Psilocybin. It was also supplemented by an enlivened passion for learning, I love to read about all sorts of subjects. Reading books on meditation, eastern philosophy, spiritual practices, spiritual concepts, and a variety of other subjects I am interested in such as physics or fantasy novels. Some of these books really opened up my perspective to the possibilities and invigorated my heart and mind to dive deeper into the nature of reality. I really started feeling deep inside and doing the practices that bring about an opening up of awareness. What was most amazing was that when I combined these concepts and practices with my practice of utilizing cannabis to open the senses and perception, I found that my meditations were repeatedly deep and profound, coming to realizations nearly every day, and further developing my understanding of myself, and the nature of reality. It was sometime through this initial process of deep inner realization that I became aware of the innate abilities of our being. It was just another day, when some friends and I were going to the pool, one of my good friends said his knee was hurting, and intuitively (cause Ive never done something like this before) I said let me see. I put my hand on his knee and started to focus on the idea of healing/projecting light into his knee from my hand. Magically, to the surprise of all of us, he said his knee felt great (kinda hesitantly), before he was having trouble flexing and moving it, now it was moving perfectly fine and free. I couldn't stop smiling after that happened cause infinite possibilities began flooding into my awareness as I contemplated and fully realized what just happened. This was the begining of a string of healings, facilitated through my awareness that brought the aspect of being a 'healer' into my life.

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